Accton Technology ES3628C Switch User Manual

MSTP 4-171
global settings 3-129, 4-170
interface settings 3-127, 4-170
multicast filtering 3-169, 4-228
multicast groups 3-175, 3-181, 4-230
displaying 3-181, 4-230
static 3-175, 4-229, 4-230
multicast routing 3-261, 4-297
description 3-261
DVMRP 3-265, 4-301
enabling 3-261, 4-299
general commands 4-299
global settings 3-261, 4-299
PIM-DM 3-272, 4-310
routing table 3-262, 4-299
multicast services
configuring 3-176, 4-229
displaying 3-175, 4-230
multicast, static router port 3-174,
4-235, 4-297
OSPF 3-235, 4-266
area border router 3-236, 4-270
AS summary route 3-253, 4-272
autonomous system boundary
router 3-237, 4-269
backbone 3-239, 4-274
default external route 3-237, 4-269
general settings 3-236, 4-266
normal area 3-239, 4-273
NSSA 3-239, 4-275
redistributing external routes 3-254,
stub 3-239, 4-274
transit area 3-239, 4-276
virtual link 3-248, 4-276
password, line 4-13
passwords 2-4
administrator setting 3-53, 4-27
path cost 3-118, 3-125
method 3-122, 4-175
STA 3-118, 3-125, 4-175
PIM-DM 3-272, 4-310
configuring 3-272, 4-310
global configuration 3-272, 4-310
interface settings 3-273,
neighbor routers 3-276, 4-316
port authentication 3-67, 4-79
port priority
configuring 3-150, 4-206, 4-219
default ingress 3-150, 4-207
STA 3-126, 4-180
port security, configuring 3-65, 4-77
port, statistics 3-109, 4-151
autonegotiation 3-91, 4-145
broadcast storm threshold 3-105,
capabilities 3-91, 4-146
duplex mode 3-91, 4-144
flow control 3-91, 4-147
speed 3-91, 4-144
ports, configuring 3-88, 4-143
ports, mirroring 3-107, 4-154
priority, default port ingress 3-150,
problems, troubleshooting B-1
protocol migration 3-128, 4-185
proxy ARP 3-211, 4-250
QoS 3-161, 4-219
Quality of Service See QoS
queue weights 3-154, 4-208
RADIUS, logon authentication 3-55,
rate limits, setting 3-108, 4-156
remote logging 4-46
restarting the system 3-34, 4-23
configuring 3-225, 4-256–4-264
description 3-207
global settings 3-226, 4-256–4-257
interface protocol settings 3-229,