Actiontec Wireless Broadband Router User Manual
Chapter 5 Using Network Connections
Configuring the Home/Office Network
Click Settings in the “Network (Home/Office) Properties” screen to generate the
“Configure Network (Home/Office)” screen.
The top part of the Configure Network (Home/Office) screen displays general
communication parameters. Actiontec recommends not changing the default
values in this section unless familiar with networking concepts.
Status Displays the connection status of the network.
When should this rule occur? Displays when the rule is active. To schedule rules,
see the “Advanced Settings” chapter.
Network Select the type of connection being configured from the drop-down list
(options: Broadband Connection, Network [Home/Office], or DMZ).
Connection Type Displays the type of connection.
Physical Address Displays the physical address of the network card used for the
MTU MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) specifies the largest packet size per-
mitted for Internet transmission. “Automatic” sets the MTU at 1500. Other choic-
es include “Automatic by DHCP,” which sets the MTU according to the DHCP
connection, and “Manual,” which allows the MTU to be set manually.