Agilent Technologies Z5623A Network Router User Manual

5 -32 Agilent Technologies Z5623A Option H48
Performance Verification
Setting Up Limit Testing
Figure 5-35 The Status Bar Displayed at Bottom of Screen
Specifying Measurement Type, Title, and Scaling
Step 1. Click Trace on the menu bar. When the Trace menu appears, scroll
down to the Measure button and pause momentarily. When the
Measure menu appears, scroll down to the S21 button and click it. See
Figure 5-1.
Step 2. Click View on the menu bar. When the View menu appears, scroll down
to the Meas Display button and pause momentarily. When the Meas
Display menu appears, scroll down to the Title... button and click it.
See Figure 5-2.
Step 3. The Title Entry window is shown in Figure 5-3. When this window pops
up, click in the Entry field.
Step 4. Type “Crosstalk” in the Entry field, then press the Enter key on the
USB keyboard (or the OK button in the Title Entry window) to close the
window and display the new title.
Step 5. Click Scale on the menu bar. When the Scale menu appears, scroll
down to the Scale... button and click it. See Figure 5-5.