Agilent Technologies Z5623A Network Router User Manual

5 -16 Agilent Technologies Z5623A Option H48
Performance Verification
Setting Up Limit Testing
Step 2. When the Save As window comes up as shown in Figure 5-15, type a file
name that includes the words, “insertion loss,” and the date of the
calibration listed in Table 4-1 on page 4-13. For example, if the
calibration file is named, “cal_06_17_01”, an appropriate file name for
this step would be, “insertion_loss_with_06_17_01_cal”. See Figure
5-16. After entering the file name, record it in Table 5-3 on page 5-7.
Next, click the Save button.
Figure 5-15 “Save As...” Window
Figure 5-16 Specifying The Name Of The Limit Test File For Insertion Loss