Agilent Technologies Z5623A Network Router User Manual

3-10 Agilent Technologies Z5623A Option H48
Using the Network Analyzer to Control the Test Set
A List of GPIB Commands
Table 3-3 Control Line Commands
GPIB Command
Control Line States
(C5, C4, C3, C2, C1)
Mnemonic Decimal Binary
c1_on xxxxL
c1_off xxxxO
c2_on xxxLx
c2_off xxxOx
c3_on xxLxx
c3_off xxOxx
c4_on xLxxx
c4_off xOxxx
c5_on Lxxxx
c5_off Oxxxx
0 00000000 OOOOO
1 00000001 OOOOL
2 00000010 OOOLO
3 00000011 OOOLL
4 00000100 OOLOO
5 00000101 OOLOL
6 00000110 OOLLO
7 00000111 OOLLL
8 00001000 OLOOO
9 00001001 OLOOL
10 00001010 OLOLO
11 00001011 OLOLL
12 00001100 OLLOO
13 00001101 OLLOL
14 00001110 OLLLO
15 00001111 OLLLL
16 00010000 LOOOO