Agilent Technologies Z5623A Network Router User Manual

Agilent Technologies Z5623A Option H48 3-11
Using the Network Analyzer to Control the Test Set
A List of GPIB Commands
To connect all test ports to their internal 50 loads, send the following
OUTPUT 712;"*all_term"
17 00010001 LOOOL
18 00010010 LOOLO
19 00010011 LOOLL
20 00010100 LOLOO
21 00010101 LOLOL
22 00010110 LOLLO
23 00010111 LOLLL
24 00011000 LLOOO
25 00011001 LLOOL
26 00011010 LLOLO
27 00011011 LLOLL
28 00011100 LLLOO
29 00011101 LLLOL
30 00011110 LLLLO
31 00011111 LLLLL
a. L = “Low”; O = “Open”; x = “Unchanged”
Table 3-3 Control Line Commands
GPIB Command
Control Line States
(C5, C4, C3, C2, C1)
Mnemonic Decimal Binary