Agilent Technologies Z5623A Network Router User Manual

Agilent Technologies Z5623A Option H48 5 -5
Performance Verification
Test Strategy
Insertion Loss
For this measurement, Port 1 of the network analyzer will be connected
to one of the test ports of the test set, and Port 2 of the network
analyzer will be connected either to the Reflection port or to the
Transmission port of the test set. By definition,
Insertion Loss = S
where Insertion Loss and S
are both in units of dB.
The network analyzer will be configured to measure S
. Limit lines
will be set up in such a way that each limit equals the negative of the
corresponding insertion loss test limit shown in Table 5-2. For example,
if an insertion loss test limit happens to be 1.0 dB, the corresponding
limit will be 1.0 dB.
Insertion loss is a maximum spec. Therefore, each S
limit will be set
up as a minimum limit. For example, if an insertion loss test limit
happens to be 1.0 dB, the limit table will be set up so that S
must be
above 1.0 dB in order for the instrument to pass. (S
will always be
zero or negative because the test set provides no amplification. In units
of dB, S
can range from zero to minus infinity.)
Return Loss
For this measurement, Port 1 of the network analyzer will be connected
to one of the test ports of the test set, and Port 2 of the network
analyzer will be connected to the Reflection port of the test set. By
Return Loss = S
where Return Loss and S
are both in units of dB.
The network analyzer will be configured to measure S
. Limit lines
will be set up in such a way that each limit equals the negative of the
corresponding return loss test limit shown in Table 5-2. For example, if
a return loss test limit happens to be 20 dB, the corresponding S
will be 20 dB.
Return loss is a minimum spec. Therefore, each S
limit will be set up
as a maximum limit. For example, if a return loss test limit happens to
be 20 dB, the limit table will be set up so that S
must be below 20 dB
in order for the instrument to pass. (S
will always be zero or negative
because the test set provides no amplification. In units of dB, S
range from zero to minus infinity.)