Agilent Technologies Z5623A Network Router User Manual

Agilent Technologies Z5623A Option H48 3-13
Using the Network Analyzer to Control the Test Set
Disaster Recovery
Disaster Recovery
This section provides recovery procedures for the following problems:
Malfunctioning Command Window
Malfunctioning Network Analyzer
Malfunctioning Command Window
Any of the following symptoms indicates a malfunctioning command
No ud0: prompt is returned when the ibclr command is executed.
An error message is returned when the ibdev command is
properly executed.
Upon turning on the network analyzer, the following message
appears: “The device at ‘AT-GPIB/TNT’ cannot be stopped because
a program is still accessing it.”
When the Recovery Procedure described below is performed, the
“AT-GPIB/TNT” icon observed in Step 6 has a red slash through it
(indicating that the device is presently disabled). However, when
Step 7 is performed, the pop-up menu has “Disable” as a menu
item (indicating that the device is presently enabled!).
Recovery Procedure
Step 1. Close every application that is running.
a. If an application’s window is open, click on the X in the upper
right-hand corner of the window.
b. If an application’s window has been minimized, locate its icon on the
task bar at the bottom of the network analyzer screen. See Figure
3-8. Click on the icon. This will open the application’s window. Next,
click on the X in the upper right-hand corner of the window to close
the application.
c. When all applications are closed, the task bar will look like the one
in Figure 3-9.