Agilent Technologies Z5623A Network Router User Manual

Agilent Technologies Z5623A Option H48 5 -39
Performance Verification
Verifying Crosstalk Specs
Verifying Crosstalk Specs
Crosstalk need only be measured on adjacent ports. Two 50 shorts
are required for this test.
Step 1. Connect an RF cable from Port 1 of the network analyzer to the
Reflection Port of the test set. Connect another RF cable from Port 2 of
the network analyzer to the Transmission Port of the test set. Connect a
third RF cable from Test Port 1 to Test Port 8. See Figure 5-40.
Figure 5-40 Setup for Measuring Crosstalk of Test Set
Step 2. Issue the “*rst;” command to the test set.
Step 3. Recall the limit test file for crosstalk. It is listed in Table 5-3 on
page 5-7.
Step 4. Normalize the S21 and S12 through response.
Step 5. Remove the RF cable between Test Ports 1 and 8.
Step 6. Put shorts on Test Ports 1 and 2.
Step 7. Command the test set to connect the Reflection Port to the first of the
test ports having a short. Command the test set to connect the
Transmission Port to the other test port having a short.
Step 8. Read the results of the crosstalk test on the screen of the network
analyzer. Record the results in Table 5-9.
(300 kHz - 9.0 GHz)
Port 1 Port 2
Reflection Transmission