Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Network Setup Reference
Network Setup Structures and Data Types 101
OSType fType;
typedef struct CfgPrefsHeader CfgPrefsHeader;
Field descriptions
fSize The size in bytes of the preference, not including the
CfgPrefsHeader structure itself.
fVersion Always zero in the version of Network Setup described by
this document.
fType An OS type that uniquely identifies the preference within
the entity.
To get the
CfgPrefsHeader structures for an entity, call OTCfgGetPrefsTOC
(page 89).
CfgResourceLocator 3
The CfgResourceLocator structure contains a file specification and a resource ID
for an entity’s custom icon.
struct CfgResourceLocator {
FSSpec fFile;
SInt16 fResID;
Field descriptions
fFile A file specification.
fResID A resource ID.
The CfgResourceLocator structure is a member of the CfgEntityInfo (page 99)
structure. Custom icons are currently not displayed, so you should initialize
this structure to zero for any entities that you create.
CfgSetsStruct 3
The CfgSetsStruct structure holds information about a set entity.