Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Network Setup Protocol Structures and Data Types
Protocol Structures 129
flashConnectedIcon Set to zero if the menu bar flashes when a disconnection
occurs; set to 1 if the menu bar does not flash when a
disconnection occurs.
Set to 1 to flash an icon in the menu bar to remind the user
that the connection is active; set to zero to not flash an icon.
reminderMinutes If Notification Manager reminders are enabled, the number
of minutes that are to elapse between reminders.
connectManually Must be zero.
Set to zero if modem data compression is not allowed; set
to 1 if modem data compression is allowed.
chatMode The chat mode. For possible values, see the
OTCfgRemotePPPConnectScript (page 166) enumeration.
serialProtocolMode The serial protocol mode (PPP, ARAP, or both). For
possible values, see the OTCfgRemoteProtocol (page 167)
passwordPtr Run-time use only. Initialize passwordPtr to zero, ignore it
when you read it, and preserve its value when you write it.
userNamePtr Run-time use only. Initialize userNamePtr to zero, ignore it
when you read it, and preserve its value when you write it.
addressLength The length in bytes of the telephone number stored in the
addressPtr Run-time use only. Initialize addressPtr to zero, ignore it’s
value when you read it, and preserve it’s value when you
write it.
chatScriptName The user-visible name of the chat script for this
chatScriptLength The length in bytes of the chat script.
chatScriptPtr Run-time use only. Initialize chatScriptPtr to zero, ignore
it’s value when you read it, and preserve it’s value when
you write it.
additionalPtr Run-time use only. Initialize additionalPtr to zero, ignore
it’s value when you read it, and preserve it’s value when
you write it.
useSecurityModule Must be zero.
securitySignature Must be zero.