Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Network Setup Reference
92 Network Setup Functions
data On input, a pointer to the buffer into which the default value is
to be placed. On output, data points to the default value. If the
buffer is too small to hold the default value, OTCfgGetTemplate
returns as much data as possible and returns the error
kCFGErrDataTruncated. If you want to get the size of the default
value but not the default value itself, set data to NULL.
dataSize On input, a pointer to a value of type ByteCount. On output,
dataSize points to the number of bytes in the buffer pointed to
by data. On input, if data is NULL, on output, dataSize points to
the size in bytes of the default value for the specified preference.
function result A value of noErr indicates that OTCfgGetTemplate returned
successfully. For a list of other possible result codes, see “Result
Codes” (page 110).
The OTCfgGetTemplate function gets the default value for the preference
identified by the entityClass, entityType, and prefsType parameters and stores
it in the buffer described by data and dataSize.
The OTCfgGetTemplate function is available in Network
Setup version 1.2 and later. It returns the same data that
OTCfgGetDefault (page 90) returns, but the parameters have
been changed to be consistent with the parameters of other
Network Setup functions. If you rely on Network Setup 1.2
or later, call OTCfgGetTemplate. If you need to work with
earlier versions of Network Setup, you can safely continue
to call OTCfgGetDefault.
Preference Utilities 3
Use the following functions to encrypt and decrypt preferences:
OTCfgDecrypt (page 93) decrypts data.
OTCfgEncrypt (page 93) encrypts data.