Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Using Network Setup
54 Protocol-specific Topics
kOTCfgRemoteLogOptionsPref, which contains the “verbose logging” option.
For details, see OTCfgRemoteLogOptions (page 135).
kOTCfgRemoteClientLocksPref, which is used by the Remote Access control
panel to remember which preferences are locked. For details, see
OTCfgRemoteClientLocks (page 125).
To create the kOTCfgRemotePasswordPref, you must encrypt the user’s password.
The code in Listing 2-17 shows a technique for doing this.
Listing 2-17 Encrypting the user’s password
static void EncodeRemotePasswordNetworkSetup(
ConstStr255Param userName,
ConstStr255Param password,
Str255 encodedPassword)
BlockZero(encodedPassword, sizeof(Str255));
BlockMoveData(password + 1, encodedPassword, password[0]);
(void) OTCfgEncrypt( (UInt8 *) userName,
Modem Notes 2
A Remote Access network connection entity has a class of
kOTCfgClassNetworkConnection and a type of kOTCfgTypeModem. The entity
typically contains the following preferences:
kOTCfgModemGeneralPrefs, which contains the core modem preferences. For
details, see OTCfgModemGeneral (page 141).
kOTCfgModemLocksPref, which is used by the Modem control panel to
remember which preferences are locked. For details, see OTCfgModemLocks
(page 143).
When creating the kOTCfgModemGeneralPrefs preference, you have to supply the
name of a serial port that is visible to Open Transport. For information about
building a list of Open Transport serial ports and their user-visible names, see