Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Network Setup Reference
Network Setup Functions 63
OTCfgBeginAreaModifications 3
Creates a temporary area for modifying an area.
OSStatus OTCfgBeginAreaModifications (CfgDatabaseRef dbRef,
CfgAreaID readAreaID,
CfgAreaID* writeAreaID);
On input, a value of type CfgDatabaseRef (page 98) that
represents a database session previously opened by calling
OTCfgOpenDatabase (page 58).
readAreaID On input, a value of type CfgAreaID (page 98) obtained by
calling OTCfgGetCurrentArea (page 60). If the area specified by
readAreaID does not exist, OTCfgBeginAreaModifications returns
writeAreaID On input, a pointer to a value of type CfgAreaID (page 98). On
output, writeAreaID points to a new area ID that your
application should use to modify, delete, enumerate, or read
data in the area.
function result A value of noErr indicates that OTCfgBeginAreaModifications
returned successfully. For a list of other possible result codes,
see “Result Codes” (page 110).
The OTCfgBeginAreaModifications function creates a temporary area and returns
in the writeAreaID parameter an area ID for it. The area ID for the temporary
area can be passed as a parameter to subsequent calls for creating or modifying
entities in the temporary area.
If you need to read the area’s original, unmodified data, you can continue using
readAreaID to do so.
Only one program can open an area of writing at any one
time. If another program has already opened the area for
writing, OTCfgBeginAreaModifications returns