Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Network Setup Protocol Structures and Data Types
Protocol Structures 143
struct OTCfgModemApplication {
UInt32 version;
Point windowPos;
OTCfgUserMode32 userMode;
Field descriptions
version Must be 1.
windowPos Window position in global coordinates of the modem
control panel.
userMode Must be kOTCfgBasicUserModeUser mode because the
Modem control panel does not support any other mode.
The preference type for the OTCfgModemApplication structure is
kOTCfgModemApplicationPref, which is defined as 'mapt'.
OTCfgModemLocks 4
The OTCfgModemLocks structure stores the lock settings for the Modem control
struct OTCfgModemLocks {
UInt32 version;
UInt32 port;
UInt32 script;
UInt32 speaker;
UInt32 dialing;
typedef struct OTCfgModemLocks OTCfgModemLocks;
Field descriptions
version Must be 1.
port Set port to 1 to lock the setting for the underlying serial
port or to zero to unlock the setting.
script Set script to 1 to lock the modem script (CCL) or to zero to
unlock the setting.
speaker Set speaker to 1 to lock the speaker setting or to zero to
unlock the speaker setting.