Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Network Setup Protocol Structures and Data Types
Protocol Structures 139
Str255 fFontName;
typedef struct OTCfgRemoteTerminal OTCfgRemoteTerminal;
Must be 1.
fLocalEcho Set to TRUE for the terminal window to echo typed
characters; otherwise, set to FALSE. The default is FALSE.
fNonModal Must be FALSE.
fPowerUser Must be FALSE.
fQuitWhenPPPStarts Set to TRUE to cause the terminal window to quit when the
PPP connection is made. The default is TRUE.
fDontAskVarStr The default is FALSE.
fNoVarStrReplace Must be FALSE.
fLFAfterCR Must be FALSE.
fAskToSaveOnQuit Set to TRUE to cause ARA to ask to save changes when the
terminal window closes. The default is FALSE.
fWindowRect Must be zero.
fTypedCharStyle Style used for typed characters. The default is bold.
fPrintedCharStyle Style used for characters sent by the other end of the
connection. The default is plain.
fEchoedCharStyle Style used for echoed characters. The default is italic.
pad Must be zero.
fFontSize The font size. The default is 9 point.
fFontName The font in which characters are displayed. The default is
Monaco on Roman systems.
The preference type for this preference is kOTCfgRemoteTerminalPref, which is
defined as 'term'.
OTCfgRemoteUserMode 4
The OTCfgRemoteUserMode structure stores the current user mode and the
administration password.