Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Network Setup Protocol Structures and Data Types
Protocol Structures 115
struct OTCfgTCPInterfacesPackedPart
UInt8 path[kMaxPortNameSize];
UInt8 module[kMaxModuleNameSize];
UInt32 framing;
Field descriptions
path The name of the port over which this interface
module The name of the module that controls the port over which
this interface communicates.
framing Ethernet framing options. Constants are defined in the file
“OpenTransportProviders.h,” an Open Transport header
The OTCfgTCPLeaseDHCPInfo structure stores information about the DHCP lease
for an interface.
struct OTCfgTCPDHCPLeaseInfo
InetHost ipIPAddr;
InetHost ipConfigServer;
UInt32 ipLeaseGrantTime;
UInt32 ipLeaseExpirationTime;
Field descriptions
ipIPAddr The IP address that has been assigned.
ipConfigServer The IP address of the DHCP server.
ipLeaseGrantTime The time at which the lease was acquired. The time is in
seconds as returned by GetDateTime.
The time at which the lease expires. The time is in seconds
as returned by GetDateTime.