Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Network Setup Protocol Structures and Data Types
Protocol Structures 137
OTCfgRemoteServerPort 4
The OTCfgRemoteServerPort structure stores core configuration information for
the personal server.
struct OTCfgRemoteServerPort {
UInt32 version;
SInt16 configID;
Str255 password;
OTCfgRemoteAnswerMode answerMode;
Boolean limitConnectTime;
UInt8 pad;
UInt32 maxConnectSeconds;
OTCfgRemoteProtocol serialProtoFlags;
OTCfgRemoteNetworkProtocol networkProtoFlags;
OTCfgRemoteNetAccessMode netAccessMode;
Boolean requiresCCL;
char portName[64];
char serialLayerName[kMaxProviderNameSize];
InetHost localIPAddress;
Depending how the preference was constructed, version
may be kOTCfgRemoteDefaultVersion or
kOTCfgRemoteAcceptedVersion. When reading the version
field, accept either value. When writing the version field,
set it to kOTCfgRemoteDefaultVersion.
configID The ID of this port configuration. The ID must match an
element of the configIDs array in the OTCfgRemoteServer
(page 136) structure. For the personal server, configID must
be zero.
password The security zone bypass password in plain text.
answerMode The answer mode. For possible values, see the
OTCfgRemoteAnswerMode (page 169) enumerations.
limitConnectTime Set to 1 to limit the length of incoming connections. Set to
zero for unlimited connection time.
pad Must be zero.
maxConnectSeconds The maximum length of a incoming connection in seconds
if limitConnectTime is set to 1. The default is 3600.