Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Using Network Setup
Protocol-specific Topics 49
The solution to this problem is very simple: assume that all entity references in
a set refer to entities that are in the same area as the set. This has two practical
When comparing two entity references that might have come from a set
entity, always pass kOTCfgIgnoreArea when calling OTCfgIsSameEntityRef. The
OTCfgIsSameEntityRef function will then compare the entities as if they were
in the same area.
When opening an entity whose reference you have obtained from a set,
always call OTCfgChangeEntityArea to reset its area identifier to that of the
area in which you are working.
Listing 2-14 demonstrates this technique.
Protocol-specific Topics 2
This section contains hints and tips for working with the Network Setup
preferences of certain protocol stacks provided by Apple.
TCP/IP Notes 2
A TCP/IP network connection entity has a class of
kOTCfgClassNetworkConnection and a type of kOTCfgTypeTCPv4. The entity must
contain the following preferences:
kOTCfgTCPInterfacesPref, which contains the core TCP/IP configuration
information. For details, see the discussion below and
OTCfgTCPInterfacesUnpacked (page 112), OTCfgTCPInterfacesPacked
(page 114), and OTCfgTCPInterfacesPackedPart (page 114).
kOTCfgTCPDeviceTypePref, which contains data needed by the current TCP/IP
control panel. For details, see OTCfgTCPDeviceTypePref in the section “TCP/IP
Constants and Other Data Types” (page 160).
kOTCfgTCPRoutersListPref, which contains the list of configured routers. For
details, see OTCfgTCPRoutersList (page 119).
kOTCfgTCPSearchListPref, which contains the strings which make up the
implicit search path for DNS. For details, see OTCfgTCPSearchList (page 120).