Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Network Setup Reference
82 Network Setup Functions
The OTCfgSetEntityName function sets the user-visible name of the specified
entity and returns a new entity reference for the renamed entity.
OTCfgGetEntityArea 3
Obtains the area ID of an entity.
void OTCfgGetEntityArea (const CfgEntityRef *entityRef,
CfgAreaID *areaID);
On input, a pointer to a value of type CfgEntityRef (page 99)
that identifies the entity reference whose area is to be obtained.
To obtain the entity reference for an entity, call
OTCfgGetEntitiesList (page 74).
areaID On input, a pointer to a value of type CfgAreaID (page 98). On
output, areaID points to the area ID of the entity represented by
function result None.
The OTCfgGetEntityArea function obtains the area ID of the entity represented
by entityRef.
OTCfgChangeEntityArea 3
Changes the area of an entity.
void OTCfgChangeEntityArea (CfgEntityRef *entityRef,
CfgAreaID newAreaID);