Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Network Setup Protocol Structures and Data Types
172 Protocol Constants and Other Data Types
Constant descriptions
kModemDialToneNormalWait for dial tone.
kModemDialToneIgnoreDo not wait for dial tone.
kModemDialToneManualManual dialing.
AppleTalk Constants and Other Data Types 4
The following enumerations define masks for the kOTCfgProtocolOptionsPref
preference when used in an AppleTalk entity:
enum {
kOTCfgATalkNoBadRouterUpNotification = 1 << 0,
kOTCfgATalkNoAllNodesTakenNotification = 1 << 1,
kOTCfgATalkNoFixedNodeTakenNotification = 1 << 2,
kOTCfgATalkNoInternetAvailableNotification = 1 << 3,
kOTCfgATalkNoCableRangeChangeNotification = 1 << 4,
kOTCfgATalkNoRouterDownNotification = 1 << 5,
kOTCfgATalkNoRouterUpNotification = 1 << 6,
kOTCfgATalkNoFixedNodeBadNotification = 1 << 7,
Each bit determines whether the AppleTalk protocol stack posts notifications for
the corresponding network event.
Per-connection AppleTalk Preference Types 4
The following enumeration defines constants for per-connection AppleTalk
preference types: