Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Network Setup Reference
64 Network Setup Functions
Call OTCfgCommitAreaModifications (page 64) to write the temporary area to the
area identified by writeAreaID, dispose of the temporary area, and close the area
represented by writeAreaID, or call OTCfgAbortAreaModifications (page 65) to
close the area represented by readAreaID and discard the temporary area.
OTCfgCommitAreaModifications 3
Closes an area for writing and commits modifications.
OSStatus OTCfgCommitAreaModifications (CfgDatabaseRef dbRef,
CfgAreaID readAreaID,
CfgAreaID writeAreaID);
On input, a value of type CfgDatabaseRef (page 98) that
represents a database session previously opened by calling
OTCfgOpenDatabase (page 58).
readAreaID On input, a value of type CfgAreaID (page 98). If readAreaID does
not exist or does not match the writeAreaID referred to by
OTCfgBeginAreaModifications (page 63),
OTCfgCommitAreaModifications returns kCfgErrAreaNotFound.
writeAreaID On input, a value of type CfgAreaID (page 98) previously
obtained by calling OTCfgBeginAreaModifications (page 63). If
writeAreaID does not exist or does not match the readAreaID
passed to OTCfgBeginAreaModifications (page 63),
OTCfgCommitAreaModifications returns kCfgErrAreaNotFound.
function result A value of noErr indicates that OTCfgCommitAreaModifications
returned successfully. For a list of other possible result codes,
see “Result Codes” (page 110).
The OTCfgCommitAreaModifications function writes the temporary area
represented by writeAreaID to the area represented by readAreaID and closes the
write area.
Readers of the area represented by readAreaID are informed that the database
has been modified.