Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Network Setup Reference
Network Setup Functions 75
entityType On input, a value of type CfgEntityType that specifies the type
that is to be matched. To specify all types, set entityType to
kCfgTypeAnyEntity. For a list of possible types, see “Entity
Classes and Types” (page 104).
itemCount On input, a pointer to a value of type ItemCount that specifies
the number of entities to list. Call OTCfgGetEntitiesCount
(page 73) to get the current number of entities in the area
represented by areaID. On output, itemCount points to the
number of entities for which information was actually obtained.
entityRef On input, an array of elements of type CfgEntityRef (page 99)
that is large enough to hold the number of entity references
specified by itemCount, or NULL if you do not want to receive
entity references. If not NULL on input, each element of the
entityRef array corresponds to an element of the entityInfo
array on output.
entityInfo On input, an array of CfgEntityInfo (page 99) structures that is
large enough to hold the number of CfgEntityInfo structures
specified by itemCount, or NULL if you do not want to receive
CfgEntityInfo structures.
function result A value of noErr indicates that OTCfgGetEntitiesList returned
successfully. For a list of other possible result codes, see “Result
Codes” (page 110).
The OTCfgGetEntitiesList function obtains an array of entity references, each of
which represents an entity in the specified area, and an array of entity
information structures, each of which contains information about its respective
entity. The information includes the entity’s class, type, user-visible name, and
You can use the entity reference to call other Network Setup functions, such as
OTCfgOpenPrefs (page 84).