Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Using Network Setup
Protocol-specific Topics 51
cursor = (UInt8 *) packedPref;
// For each field in the unpacked pref, copy the field to the
// packed preference cursor and advance the cursor appropriately.
if (unpackedPref->fCount != 1) goto prefDataErr;
*((UInt16 *) cursor) = unpackedPref->fCount;
cursor += sizeof(UInt16);
*cursor = unpackedPref->fConfigMethod;
cursor += sizeof(UInt8);
*((InetHost *) cursor) = unpackedPref->fIPAddress;
cursor += sizeof(InetHost);
*((InetHost *) cursor) = unpackedPref->fSubnetMask;
cursor += sizeof(InetHost);
// Writing an AppleTalk zone longer than 32 characters is an error.
if ( unpackedPref->fAppleTalkZone[0] > 32 ) goto prefDataErr;
BlockMoveData(unpackedPref->fAppleTalkZone, cursor, unpackedPref->fAppleTalkZone[0]
+ 1);
cursor += (unpackedPref->fAppleTalkZone[0] + 1);
BlockMoveData(unpackedPref->path, cursor, 36);
cursor += 36;
BlockMoveData(unpackedPref->module, cursor, 32);
cursor += 32;
*((UInt32 *) cursor) = unpackedPref->framing;
cursor += sizeof(UInt32);
// Now calculate the packed preference size by taking the difference
// between the final cursor position and the initial cursor position.
*packedPrefSize = (cursor - ((UInt8 *) packedPref));
return noErr;
return paramErr;