Apple Network Setup Network Card User Manual

Network Setup Reference
Network Setup Structures and Data Types 99
Network Setup uses a value of type CfgAreaID to identify the area in which an
entity resides. For example, a value of type CfgAreaID is a member of the
CfgEntityRef (page 99) structure. Use the constant kInvalidCfgAreaID (page 109)
to determine whether an area ID is valid.
CfgEntityRef 3
A CfgEntityRef structure refers to a specific entity.
struct CfgEntityRef {
CfgAreaID fLoc;
UInt32 fReserved;
Str255 fID;
typedef struct CfgEntityRef CfgEntityRef;
Field descriptions
fLoc The area in which the entity resides.
fReserved Reserved.
fID The entity ID.
For example, OTCfgCreateEntity (page 76) returns a CfgEntityRef structure to
refer to the newly created entity, and OTCfgGetEntitiesList (page 74) returns a
CfgEntityRef for each entity in an area.
CfgEntityInfo 3
The CfgEntityInfo structure stores various attributes of an entity.
struct CfgEntityInfo {
CfgEntityClass fClass;
CfgEntityType fType;
Str255 fName;
CfgResourceLocator fIcon;
typedef struct CfgEntityInfo CfgEntityInfo;