Asus NCLV-D2 Series Network Card User Manual

Chapter 5: RAID configurationChapter 5: RAID configuration
Chapter 5: RAID configurationChapter 5: RAID configuration
Chapter 5: RAID configuration
Adding a spare drive to a RAID 1 setAdding a spare drive to a RAID 1 set
Adding a spare drive to a RAID 1 setAdding a spare drive to a RAID 1 set
Adding a spare drive to a RAID 1 set
To add a spare drive to a RAID 1 set:
1. From the Adaptec RAID Configuration Utility initial menu, highlight
Array Configuration UtilityArray Configuration Utility
Array Configuration UtilityArray Configuration Utility
Array Configuration Utility, then press <Enter>.
2. Select
Add/Delete HotspareAdd/Delete Hotspare
Add/Delete HotspareAdd/Delete Hotspare
Add/Delete Hotspare from the Main Menu, then press <Enter>.
3. Select the spare drive from the list, then press <Insert>. The selected
drive appears in the
Assigned Hotspare drives Assigned Hotspare drives
Assigned Hotspare drives Assigned Hotspare drives
Assigned Hotspare drives section. Press
<Enter> when finished.
4. When prompted, press <Y> to create the spare, or press <N> to