Avocent ACS 6000 Server User Manual

5. (Optional) Configure account expiration and password expiration.
6. Click Next.
7. Repeat steps 3-7 as needed to configure new user accounts and assign them to default
NOTE: Bydefault,allconfigureduserscanaccessallenabledports.Additionalconfigurationisneededifyour site
securitypolicyrequiresyoutorestrictuser accesstoports.
8. Click Save, then click Finish.
Expert Mode
The following tabs are available in the side navigation bar of the web manager when an
administrator is in Expert mode.
Click Access to view all the devices connected to the console server.
To view and connect to devices using the web manager:
1. Select Access in the side navigation bar. The content area displays the name of the console
server and a list of names or aliases for all installed and configured devices the user is
authorized to access.
2. Select Serial Viewer from the Action column. A Java
applet viewer appears. In a gray area
at the top of the viewer, the Connected to message shows the IP address of the console
server followed by the default port number or alias.
3. Log in if prompted.
The following table describes the available buttons in the Java applet.
Button Purpose
SendBreak Tosendabreaktotheterminal
Disconnect TodisconnectfromtheJavaapplet
Selectthelefticontoreconnecttotheserver ordevice;or selecttherighticontoend the
sessionanddisconnectfromthe Javaapplet
Table 3.2: Java Applet Buttons for Connecting to the
Chapter 3: Accessing the Console Server via the Web Manager 23