Avocent ACS 6000 Server User Manual

user group
Members of the user group have access to target devices unless they are restricted by an
administrator but have no access rights for the console server. Administrators can add appliance
access rights and permissions and can add users to custom user groups to add permissions and
access rights as needed. By default, all selections on the Appliance Access Rights screen will
be disabled.
NOTE: TheApplianceAccessRightsscreenfor theuser group canbechangedatanytimebyanadministrator.
Thiswillchangethe accessrightsfor allmembersoftheconsoleserver’susergroup.
Members of the shell-login-profile group have access to the shell after logging in. By default,
the root user belongs to this group. This is not a protected group and can be deleted.
Managing user groups
Administrators and members of the admin group can create custom user groups that contain any
users. Permissions and access for custom user groups will be determined by the top-level user
group permissions.
To create a custom user group:
1. Click Users - Authorization - Groups. The Groups screen is displayed and contains a list of
the three default user groups and any additional custom user groups that have been created.
2. Click Add in the content area.
3. Enter the name of the new user group you are creating.
4. Click Save.
To add members to a user group:
1. Click Users - Authorization - Groups.
2. Click the user group name.
3. Click Add. The Members Assignment screen is displayed showing a list of available users
in the left box and an empty box on the right.
4. Move users from the Available Users box on the left to the box on the right by double-
clicking on the username, or by selecting the name and clicking the Add button. You can
remove any names from the box on the right by double-clicking on the name or by
selecting the name and clicking the Remove button.
5. If you want to add remote users to the new user group (these must be valid names in your
remote authentication server), add them in the New Remote Users field.
Chapter 3: Accessing the Console Server via the Web Manager 57