2. Click on admin under the Group Name heading. The content area will display the
Members screen listing all members belonging to the admin group (default members are
admin and root users).
NOTE: WhenanyGroupNameisselected,boththecontentareaandsidenavigationbar change.Theside
navigationbar willdisplayspecificmenuoptionsforMembersandAccessRights(whichincludeSerial,Power and
3. In the side navigation bar, click Access Rights - Serial or Access Rights - Power to access
the screens displaying the fixed access rights and permissions for members of the admin
group pertaining to serial ports and power management.
NOTE: TheSerialandPower screensareread-onlyandcannotbe changed.
4. In the side navigation bar, click on Access Rights - Appliance. The Appliance Access
Rights screen appears and lists all access rights available to a member belonging to the
admin group. All appliance access rights are shown enabled (checked). Available appliance
access rights are:
• View Appliance Information
• Disconnect Sessions and Reboot Appliance
• Appliance Flash Upgrade and Reboot Appliance
• Configure Appliance Settings
• Configure User Accounts
• Backup/Restore Configuration
• Shell Access
• Transfer Files
NOTE: TheApplianceAccessRightsscreenfor theadminandappliance-adminuser groupsisread-onlyand
cannot bechanged.UncheckinganyboxandclickingSavewillresultinanerror message.Theconsoleserver will
appliance-admin group
Members of the appliance-admin group have access restricted to tasks for managing only the
appliance. Appliance-admin user group members have no access to the serial ports or power
management options, and share all of the appliance access rights as admin except for Configure
User Accounts and Shell Access, which are permanently disabled for this group.
56 Cyclades™ ACS 6000 Advanced Console Server Installation/Administration/User Guide