Avocent ACS 6000 Server User Manual

Parameter Description
TheintervalinsecondsbetweenOffandOnactionsfor thepower cycle
Whenenabled,the PDU willsendsyslogmessagestotheappliance.
Buzzer Enablesor disablesthePDU’sbuzzer. Default:Enabled.
SWOvercurrent Pro-
Whenenabled,the software’sovercurrent protectionison.Default:Dis-
To copy/clone the configuration of one port to other ports:
1. Select Ports - Serial Ports.
2. Click the checkbox for the serial port you want to clone.
3. Click the Clone button.
4. Enter the serial port(s) to be configured in the Copy Configuration To field and click Save.
NOTE: Iftheselectedport isconfiguredasaCASProfile,the followingparameterswillnotbecopied:PortName,
TCPPortAlias,IPv4PortAlias,IPv6PortAliasandPower (mergedoutlets).
To reset one or more serial ports to their factory configuration:
1. Select Ports - Serial Ports.
2. Click the checkbox for one or more serial ports you want to reset to their factory
configuration, then click the Reset To Factory button.
NOTE: SerialportsaresettotheCASProfileanddisabledinthefactoryconfiguration.
Auxiliary ports
On the Auxiliary Ports screen, you can enable the auxiliary port and configure it based on the
type of connected device.
To configure an appliance with an internal modem:
1. Select Ports - Auxiliary Ports.
2. Use the drop-down menus to configure the Dial-in settings.
3. Configure the PPP parameters (address, authentication, and so on) and click Save.
To configure or edit auxiliary port with connected PDU:
1. Select Ports - Auxiliary Ports.
44 Cyclades™ ACS 6000 Advanced Console Server Installation/Administration/User Guide