An administrator can configure authentication using the CLI utility and the web manager. The
default authentication method for the console server and the serial ports is Local. Any
authentication method that is configured for the console server or the ports is used for
authentication of any user who attempts to log in through Telnet, SSH or the web manager.
Appliance authentication
The console server authenticates for the console server and the ports, either in groups or
NOTE: Itisadvisedwhenusinggroupauthorizationthatyouusethesameauthenticationfor boththeconsole
serverandallserialports,or useSingleSign-on Authenticationtofacilitategroupauthorization.
When Single Sign-on Authentication is disabled, the console server uses the individual
configuration based in the destination of the access: the console server itself or each serial port.
Users must use their password each time they access an individual port. If enabled, Single Sign-
on Authentication will use the authentication server you choose from the pull-down menu for
all access and no further authentication will be needed.
NOTE: Selectingunconfiguredfromthe pull-downmenuwillallow theportstocontinuetouseindividual
authenticationservers,andwillrequireyour password thefirsttimeyouaccessanyport.After that,the portwillnot
require passwordauthenticationifSingleSign-onAuthenticationisenabled.
To set authentication for the console server:
1. Click Authentication - Appliance Authentication.
2. Select the desired authentication server from the Authentication Type drop-down menu.
3. Select Enable single sign-on to enable single sign-on authentication, and select the desired
authentication server from the Authentication Type drop-down menu.
4. Click Save.
Authentication servers
When using an authentication server, you must configure its IP address and in most cases other
parameters before it can be used. The following authentication servers require configuration:
RADIUS, TACACS+, LDAP(S)|AD, Kerberos, NIS and DSView 3 servers.
To configure a RADIUS authentication server:
1. Select Authentication - Authentication Servers - RADIUS.
2. Enter the IP addresses of the First Authentication Server and First Accounting Server.
3. If used, enter the IP addresses for the Second Authentication Server and Second Accounting
Chapter 3: Accessing the Console Server via the Web Manager 51