Screen Name Definition
Network- Devices
ShowsEthernetportsandPC cardDeviceName,Status(enabled/disabled),
Network- IPv4RoutingTable ShowsDestination,Gateway,Genmask,Flags,Metric,Ref,Useandlface.
Network- IPv6RoutingTable ShowsDestination,NextHop,Flags,Metric,Ref,Useandlface.
Error, ParityError, BreakandOverrun.
FipsMode ShowsServiceNameand ModeIndication.
Table 3.10: Monitoring Screens
Change Password
An administrator or user can change their own password from this screen.
To change your own password:
1. Select Change Password.
2. Enter the old password and new password in the appropriate fields.
3. Confirm the new password, then click Save.
Web Manager Overview for Regular Users
The following figure shows features of the web manager for a regular user.
Chapter 3: Accessing the Console Server via the Web Manager 69