
6. Advanced
PiP layout 1–3
These are factory layouts, they can be edited and saved.
Personal layouts
Beside the 2 xed layouts and the 3 factory layouts, one can set 5 additional (personal) layouts.
PiP dedicated buttons
PiP Adjust : this button allows to focus on one particular window, this is shown with a white frame surrounding the se
A source identication box is displayed in the right lower corner.
Image 6-62
Pressing the button removes the frame to the next window. This can also be done via PiP Adjust in the Tools menu
PiP: this button allows to browse through the different congurations, it has the same function as PiP select in the Tools menu.
Since there is only one decoder (second decoder is optional), when in 2b
y2 conguration, Video1 and Video2
are derived from the same video source.
6.5.2 PiP select
PiP layouts
The different PiP layouts (congurations) can be selected in the PiP select menu.
How to change the PiP conguration ?
1. Press MENU to activate the Tool bar
2. Press to select the Tools item
3. Press to Pull down the Tools menu
4. Use or to select PiP select
5. Press to pull down the menu
6. Use or to select the desired conguration
7. Press ENTER
3. factory layouts
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