6. Advanced
The measure of the total number of pixels per line can be done through 2 methods
• Limited scan: a windowing is used to allow fast tracking.
The operation takes about 20 seconds (depending on file)
• Full scan: tracking is done over the full range.
The operation takes about 1.5 minutes (depending on file)
1. Press MENU to activate the Tool bar
2. Press → to select the Image files item
3. Press ↓ to Pull down the Image files menu
4. Use ↑ or ↓ to select Auto Image
5. Press → to open the menu
6. Use ↑ or ↓ to select the desired file scan method
Image 6-88
7. Press ENTER
A text box showing a progress bar is displayed.
Image 6-89
Tip: Pres s the Cancel button to cancel the operation.
The Auto Image setup in the Display setup menu affect
only Auto Image if it is launched via the RCU key or at
automatic file creation.
Launching AutoImage via the menu involves complete checking of all parameters.
Auto Image can also be launched via the RCU with the dedicated AutoImage key.
6.8.3 Edit file
What can be done with the Edit file menu ?
The Edit file menu makes it possible to change the settings of the file according to the real settings of the connected source. Consult
the source specifications before entering the data.
How to edit a file ?
1. Press MENU to activate the Tool bar
R59770134 ID LR-6 27/05/2011