
6. Advanced
If the AutoImage function does not succeed in nding a le and no le is loaded (load list is empty), which
means that the source is not displayed, then use the copy function: Copy a standard le (.std) which is not
too different of the source to display, then edit this le to get the best image.
6.8.6 Delete
How to delete a le ?
1. Press MENU to activate the Tool bar
2. Press to select the Image les item
3. Press to Pull down the Image les menu
4. Use or to select delete
Image 6-103
5. Press ENTER
A dialog box is displayed
Image 6-104
6. Use or to select the desired le
7. Press ENTER
The selected le is deleted and is removed from the list
6.8.7 Forced le load
What can be done ?
Forced le load allows to force or lock one particular custom le to be loaded for one particular input. This way one can guarantee
that the same desired le is always used for a particular source.
For each layer (layer 1, layer 2, layer 3) we can enable or disable the forced le load. The specication for the le to be selected for
each input on that layer is done via RS
see the RS232 User Guide for more information on the Forced le load command to be sent.
How to set a le to be loaded ?
1. Press MENU to activate the Tool bar
R59770134 ID LR-6 27/05/2011