Brother 2150N Printer User Manual

Page 1
This page includes various setting information of the machine.
Printer information
In the following order
- Controller Version (CONT.ROM VERSION)
- Net work Version (NET ROM VERSION)
But, HL-2140 is not indicated
- RAM SIZE (Mbyte)
Printer settings information
Each term is indicated when if fulfills the condition, and HL-2140 is indicated the
maintenance information to the Page 1.
Page 2
This page includes the printer information and the maintenance information in the
following order.
Maintenance information
(1) Consumable information
The printable pages remained for the consumable part is indicated. Also, the
percentage of life remained over the total printable pages is indicated in numerical
value and bar graph.
Sample indication (DRUM) is as follows.
From the top left, the consumable part name is indicated. The right column is a
band graph separated into 50 scale marks.
Fig. 5-4
The consumable parts indicated are as follows.
- Drum Unit