CHAPTER 4 HP-GL/2 - 14
7.2. Plot Area and Unit Setting Instructions
Instruction Function
IP Scaling point
IR Input relative scaling points
SC Scale
IW Input window
RO Rotate coordinate system
IP - Input scaling point
IP [ P1X, P1Y [,P2X, P2Y]] [;]
P1X ; X coordinate of P1 P1Y ; Y coordinate of P1
P2X ; X coordinate of P2 P2Y ; Y coordinate of P2
• The coordinates used are absolute values in graphics units.
• Set the location of the scaling points(P1,P2).
• Coordinate values for P1X,P1Y, P2X and P2Y are given as integer numbers.
• You can set P1 and P2 to be anywhere that the range of allowable coordinates permits. However, only
parts of resulting images that lie within the effective window will be printed.
• The default location of P1 is the lower left corner and P2 is the upper right corner of the PCL picture frame.
• Using this instruction without a parameter field initializes the scaling points(P1,P2) to the default location.
• P2X and P2Y may be omitted. If P2X and P2Y are omitted, P2 is set automatically so as not to alter the
distance between P1 and P2.
• If P2x and P2y are omitted P2 is set to be in the same position relative to P1 that it was before the command
was invoked.
• The IP command remains in effect until another IP command, an IR command or an IN command is used.
IR - Input relative scaling points
IR [ P1x, P1y [, P2x, P2y]][;]
P1x ; x-coordinate of P1 P1y ; y-coordinate of P1
P2x ; x-coordinate of P2 P2y ; y-coordinate of P2
• The coordinate values are percentages relative to the bottom left and top right hand corners of the picture
• Coordinate values for P1x, P1y, P2x, and P2y are treated as clamped real numbers.
• Using this instruction without parameters sets the scaling points (P1, P2) to their initial positions, the bottom
left and top right hand corners of the picture frame.
• If P2x and P2y are omitted P2 is set to be in the same position relative to P1 that it was before the command
was invoked.
• You can set P1 and P2 to be anywhere that the range of allowable coordinates permits. However, only
parts of resulting images that lie within the effective window will be printed.
• The IR command remains in effect until another IR command, and IP command or an IN command is used.