CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 76
6.2. Plotting Rectangles
Drawing rectangles is a basic case of printing graphics: the source image consists solely of the rectangle itself.
Thus only the pattern transparency has any bearing on the final effect - the source transparency is irrelevant.
6.2.1. Cursor position
Position the cursor using the commands described in the chapter entitled “The Page”. You can use units,
decipoints or rows and columns as coordinate units. Remember that the y-coordinate value goes up as the cursor
moves down the logical page.
6.2.2. Set rectangle width
Esc*c#A (27)(42)(99)#(65) <1Bh><2Ah><63h>#<41h>
• This command sets the width of the rectangle to be printed in dots.
• # is the number of dots.
Esc*c#H (27)(42)(99)#(72) <1Bh><2Ah><63h>#<48h>
• This command sets the width of the rectangle to be printed in decipoints.
• # is the number of decipoints.
6.2.3. Set rectangle height
Esc*c#B (27)(42)(99)#(66) <1Bh><2Ah><63h>#<42h>
• This command sets the height of the rectangle to be printed in dots.
• # is the number of dots.
Esc*c#V (27)(42)(99)#(86) <1Bh><2Ah><63h>#<56h>
• This command sets the height of the rectangle to be printed in decipoints.
• # is the number of decipoints.
6.2.4. Draw filled rectangle
Esc*c#P (27)(42)(99)#(80) <1Bh><2Ah><63h>#<50h>
• This command fills a rectangular area with the specified shading option.
• # is 0 to 5 or 130.
• # = 0 uses solid black as the fill pattern.
• # = 1 uses white as the fill pattern.
• # = 2 selects the gray scale you chose with the Set Area Fill Identity command as the fill pattern.
• # = 3 selects the cross-hatch pattern you chose with the Set Area Fill Identity.
• # = 4 selects the user defined pattern, which is the ID number selected by the set Area Fill Identity.
• # = 5 uses the pattern specified by the combination of the most recent Set Area Fill Identity command and the
most recent Set Pattern Type command.
• # = 130 selects one of the sixty-four gray scales. You can specify the gray scale you require as a percentage
(0-100%) with the Set Area Fill Identity command. This feature is unique to these HL Series printers.
• See the following two pages for programming examples using gray scales and patterns
# Fill
0 Solid black
1 White
2 Gray scale (1 - 8)
3 Cross hatch pattern
4 User-defined pattern
5 Current pattern
130 Gray scale ( 1 - 64)