3.2.4 Mode setting commands
This command allows various error mode operations to be set. 1 byte, used as 8 bits, that follows the @M
command select the settings for each mode.
Bit0:0 = The printer clears the input buffer when a Paper Jam error or Undefined Code error occurs. The printer
does not recover automatically from a Print Overrun error.
1 = The printer does not clear the input buffer when a Paper Jam error or Undefined Code error occurs.
The printer recovers automatically 10 seconds later from a Print Overrun error.
Bit1: Not used
Bit2:0 = The printer generates an error when an undefined code is received.
1 = The printer ignores any undefined codes.
Bit3: Not used
Bit4:0 = The printer does not ignore any illegal data which is received before entering the HBP mode. (The
printer will ignore any illegal data until approx. 32kbyte is received, then the data after that is
recognized as undefined code.)
Bit5: Not used
Bit6: Not used
Bit7: Select printer error messages ON or OFF. (HL-820/1020/1040)
0: The printer does not print an error message when an error occurs.
1: The printer prints an error message when an error occurs. The printer resets when an error occurs
when Bit7:1. Therefore the setting of Bit0:1 is ignored.
This command works immediately after it is sent to the printer. The command actions apply to the data before
The most appropriate value is as follows;