CHAPTER 4 HP-GL/2 - 45
DT - Define label terminator
DT [ c [, m ]] [;]
c : Character
m : mode
• This command allows you to specify the character that terminates strings printed with the LB instruction.
• The character immediately following DT is taken to be the terminator. Hence, do not put a space between
the DT and your chosen character. If you do, space will be interpreted as the terminator in all subsequent
LB commands.
• m, the mode, determines whether the terminating character is printed as part of the label or not. If m = 0 the
character is printed ; if m = 1 it is not.
• If you do not specify a value for m the terminating character is not printed.
• If you leave out the character parameter the default character ETX (ASCII 3 ) is used as the terminator.
• This setting is effective until the another DT is invoked or IN or DF is performed.
10 REM - Define Label Terminator -
20 WIDTH "LPT:", 255
30 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
40 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0B";
50 LPRINT "IN;SP2;";
60 LPRINT "IN;SP2;SC0,5000,0,5000;"
70 LPRINT "PA0,4500;LBDefault control character ETX"; CHR$(13);CHR$(3);
80 LPRINT "LBterminates by performing end-"; CHR$(13);CHR$(3);
90 LPRINT "LBof-text function.";CHR$(3);
100 LPRINT "PA0,3500;DT@;LBPrinting characters terminate,"; CHR$(13);
110 LPRINT "LBbut are also printed.@";
120 LPRINT "PA0,3000;DT"; CHR$(7); "LBcontrol characters terminate";
130 LPRINT "LBand perform their function."; CHR$(7)
140 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%01";
150 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
160 END
<Sample 52>
LO - Label origin
LO [ p ] [;]
• This instruction allows you to position labels in different ways relative to the current pen location.
• You can centre, left justify or right justify labels relative to the current pen location and print them on,
above or below the current location.
• You can combine an offset distance, equal to 25% of the current font's point size, with any of the above
origin positions.
• p must either be in the range 1 - 9, 11 - 10 and 21. The label origin position specified by each p parameter
value is shown below. 21 sets the label origin to the same one in PCL.
P=1 P=4 P=7
P=2 P=5 P=8
P=3 P=6 P=9
P=11 P=14 P=17
P=12 P=15 P=18
P=13 P=16 P=19