• Plotting is performed only when the pen is down.
• When the pen is up, plotting is not performed but the cursor position moves to the plot end point.
• When scaling has been performed, the cursor is moved by relative coordinates in user units.
• Also, when scaling has been performed, the values for X and Y are real numbers.
• When there is no scaling, the cursor is moved by relative coordinates in graphics units.
• When there is no scaling, the coordinate values for X and Y are integer numbers.
• The value for qc is a clamped real number.
• When qc is positive, counterclockwise plotting from the current point is performed.
• When qc is negative, plotting is made clockwise from the current position.
• The value for qd is a clamped real number.
• When qd is not specified, the chord angle is the default value ( 5 degrees ).
10 '*** AREX1 ***
20 LPRINT "IN;SP1;IP2650,1325,7650,6325;"
30 LPRINT "SC-100,100,-100,100;"
40 LPRINT "PA-80,-80;PD;AR0,50,90;AR50,0,90;PU;"
50 END
<Sample 69>
10 ' *** AREX2 ***
20 LPRINT "IN;SP1;IP2650,1325,7650,6325;"
30 LPRINT "SC-100,100,-100,100;"
40 LPRINT "PA-100,70;PD;PR30,0;AR-,-70,-90;AR70,0,90;PR60,0;PU;"
50 END
100 END
<Sample 70>
CI - Circle plot
CI r(, qd)[;]
r : Radius of circle ( in user units or graphic units )
qd : Chord angle ( in degrees )
• Plots a circle centred on the current position with a radius r and chord angle qd.
• After plotting, the cursor returns to its point of origin at the centre of the circle.
• Plotting is performed whether the pen is up or down.
• When scaling has been performed, the circle is plotted in user units.
• Also, when scaling has been performed, the value for r is a real number.
• When scaling is off, the circle is plotted in graphics units.
• When there is no scaling, the coordinate value for r is an integer number.
• When qd is not specified, the chord angle is the default value (5 degrees).
Current position
Chord angle