Brother 1660e Printer User Manual

6.4. Using Tabs
Set horizontal tab stops
EscDn1n2n3...NUL (27)(68)n1n2n3...(00)
This command enables you to set up to 32 horizontal tab stops based on the current character width.
The character width setting is determined by the combination of the current pitch (10 or 12 characters
per inch) and the current character mode (condensed, normal or double-width). If proportional
spacing is being used the character width is based on a pitch of 10 characters per inch.
The tab stops must be set in ascending order. If you invoke the command with the tabs in any other
order all horizontal tab settings are cleared.
The value of n
must be in the range 0 to 255.
Once you have selected the tab settings they remain fixed - their position does not change if you
change the character pitch or character width settings.
To set up a group of equally spaced tab stops use the Esc e 0 command.
Esc D 0 clears all horizontal tab settings.
The default tab stop settings are at every eighth column, starting at the ninth column. The default
column width is 1/10".
The default settings are adopted when the printer is first switched on or when you perform a reset with
the Esc @ instruction.
You can move the print position to the tab stops using the HT control code.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(68); CHR$(10); CHR$(20); CHR$(0);
'Set tab stops at columns 10 and 20.
Horizontal tab
HT (09) <09h>
The HT control code (ASCII code 9) moves the current print position one tab stop to the right.
The command is ignored if there are no tab stops to the right of the current print position or if the next
tab stop is beyond the right margin.
LPRINT CHR$(9); 'Tab
Set vertical tab stops
EscBn1n2n3...NUL (27)(66)n1n2n3...(00) <1Bh><42h>n1n2n3...<00h>
This command enables you to set up to sixteen vertical tab stops based on the current line space
The tab stops must be set in ascending order. If you specify the tab settings in any other order, any
settings made with a previous Esc B command are cleared.
The value of n
must be in the range 0 to 255.
Vertical tab settings are not affected by subsequent changes in the line spacing setting.
To set up a group of equally spaced tab stops use the Esc e 1 command.
Esc B 0 clears the vertical tab settings set with a previous Esc B command.
You can move the print position to the tab stops using the VT control code.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(66); CHR$(12); CHR$(24); CHR$(0);
'Set tab stops at lines 12 and 24.
Set vertical channel tab stops
Escbnm1m2m3...NUL (27)(98)nm1m2m3...(00) <1Bh><62h>nm1m2m3...<00h>
You can set up to eight different sets of vertical tab stops and select any of these sets for use at any
time. Each set of tab stops is called a channel - channels are numbered from 0 to 7.
Channel 0 normally holds the settings you have selected with the Esc B command, or equally spaced
tab settings that you have set with the Esc e 1 command. However, you can also set the channel 0 tab
settings using the Esc b command.
To set the tab stops held in channels 1 to 7 you must use the Esc b command.
This command enables you to set up to sixteen vertical tab stops for each channel based on the
current line space setting.
n is the channel number whose tab stops are to be set.