CHAPTER 4 HP-GL/2 - 16
• With type 1 scaling you can specify the percentage of unused space that is to lie below, or to the left of,
the isotropic area.
• left specifies the percentage of unused space you want to lie to the left of the isotropic area and can be from 0
to 100. If you do not specify the value for left, it is automatically set to the default value = 50%.
• bottom specifies the percentage of unused space you want to lie below the isotropic area and can be from 0 to
100. If you do not specify the value for bottom, it is automatically set to the default value = 50%.
SC 0,10,0,10,1,0,0
SC 0,10,0,10,1,100,100
SC 0,20,0,10,1,0,0
Extra space
Extra space
Extra space
Extra space
• You must either specify both left and bottom, or specify neither. However, the printer can only use one of
these two parameters at a time, depending where the extra space is on a page. \
• If you do not specify a percentage for unused space to the left or at the bottom, the isotropic area is centred
in the rectangle defined by P1 and P2.
• Type 2 scaling (point factor scaling) specifies the ratio of graphics units to user units and sets user units
coordinates for P1.
• X
specifies the number of graphics units that comprise a single user x-axis unit.
• Y
specifies the number of graphics units that comprise a single user y-axis unit.
• Valid values for X
and Y
are real numbers.
• An SC command remains in effect until another SC command is issued, until default settings are restored
with the DF command or until the printer is initialized with an IN command.
10 '-Scale-'
20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255
30 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
40 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0B";
60 '-- Anisotropic scaling --
70 LPRINT "PA1500,6000;EA3500,8000;"
80 LPRINT "IP1500,6000,3500,8000;SC0,200,0,100,0;PA50,50;CI50;"
90 LPRINT "IN;PA1500,3000;EA3500,5000;"
100 LPRINT "IP1500,3000, 3500,5000;SC0,100,0,200,0;PA50,50;CI50;"
110 LPRINT"IN;PA1300,8200;DT#;LBAnisotropic scaling#";
120 '--Isotropic scaling--
130 'Left,Bottom= 0,0
140 LPRINT "PA4500,6000;EA6500,8000;"
150 LPRINT"IP4500,6000,6500,8000;SC0,200,0,100,1,0,0;PA50,50;CI50;"
160 'Left, Bottom = 100,100
170 LPRINT "IN;PA4500,3000;EA6500,5000;"
180 LPRINT"IP4500,3000,6500,5000;SC0,100,0,200,1,100,100;PA50,50;CI50;"
190 LPRINT "IN;PA4000,82;DT#;LBIsotrop00ic scaling#";
200 LPRINT CHR$(27);"%0A";
210LPRINT CHR$(27);"E";
220 END
<Sample 21>