This configures the most basic read-only export to all hosts on our network. If you want to include more
advanced options in your export, such as exporting to certain hosts only, or on a certain subnet only, see
the man page for the exports file: exports (5).
• NFS needs to be installed and running
To check, type the command:
showmount -e hostname
Running the showmount command without the hostname parameter will check the local system.
If NFS is not active, you will see a message similar to
showmount: ServerA: RPC: Program not registered
• portmap must be running. Run the following command to check this:
service portmap status
To enable installation over FTP, you must allow FTP access to the installation directory on the server. This
can be either anonymous FTP access or access through a named account with a password.
If you want anonymous FTP to point to a different directory, you can use symlinks to point to the installation
directory on the server.
If you have a web server running and want to enable HTTP access to your installation server, add symlinks
from your document root to the installation server directory to grant access.
The installation server is now ready to use. Record the server name or IP address and the directory path
to the installation directory you created.