D-Link 28F Switch User Manual

DES-3200-10/18/28/28F Layer 2 Ethernet Managed Switch User Manual
Model Name
Displays the full model name of the corresponding Switch.
To view the Topology Map, click the View menu in the toolbar and then Topology, which will produce the following
window. The Topology View will refresh itself periodically (20 seconds by default).
Figure 2 - 44. Topology view
This window will display how the devices within the Single IP Management Group are connected to other groups and
devices. Possible icons in this window are as follows:
Icon Description
Layer 2 commander switch
Layer 3 commander switch
Commander switch of other group
Layer 2 member switch.
Layer 3 member switch
Member switch of other group
Layer 2 candidate switch
Layer 3 candidate switch
Unknown device