Chapter 5
MVME3100 Single Board Computer Installation and Use (6806800M28C)
Pin Assignments
5.1 Overview
This chapter provides pin assignments for various connectors and headers on the MMVE3100
single-board computer and the MVME721 transition module.
z PMC Expansion Connector (J4)
z Ethernet Connectors (GENET1/J41B, GENET2/J2B, ENET1/J2A)
z PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) Connectors (J11 — J14, J21 — J23)
z Serial Port Connectors (COM1/J41A, COM2—COM5/J2A-D)
z VMEbus P1 Connector
z VMEbus P2 Connector
z MVME721 PMC I/O Module (PIM) Connectors (J10, J14)
z Planar sATA Power Connector (J30)
z USB Connector (J27)
z sATA Connectors (J28 and J29)
The following headers are described in this chapter:
z Boundary Scan Header (J24)
z Processor COP Header (J25)
5.2 Connectors
This section describes the pin assignments and signals for the connectors on the MVME3100.