Chapter 4 Designing Labels Using LDS
410 Operators Manual 25
This is the label header from the sample label in section 4.2.
4 - 4 fields following the header
615 - Label width (LSX) of 615 (615/154= ~4 inches)
153 - Label length (LSY) of 153 (153/154 = ~1 inch)
- No entry in the WEB parameter means default value of 10
20 - A GAP between labels of 20 (20/154 = ~.13 inch)
30 - Label print speed (DPS) of 30 = 2.5 inches per second (from table)
- No entry for the LCN parameter means default value of 0, normal stock on
backing paper
70 - The AGD could not be defaulted because the stock was less than 2.3 inches in
length (LSY). This value was produced from auto-sizing (LDS command ^D39)
the label.
4 - SPG also could not be defaulted because of the small size of the stock. Auto-
sizing quickly produced this value.
<CR> A carriage return must follow the label header. There were two parameters left
that were not entered into the header - OFX and OFY. Because they were not
entered, the printer assumes the default values, 0 in their cases. Likewise, if the
AGD and SPG were defaulted, the carriage return could have followed the DPS.