Chapter 4 Designing Labels Using LDS
410 Operators Manual 31
Starting position definitions:
Use the following to obtain proper character placement relative to orientations and justifications.
Character Starting Positions Relative to Field Orientations and Field Justifications
Rotation Field Orientation
0 Degrees 0 - Right justified above base-line
1 - Left justified above base-line
2 - Right justified below base-line
3 - Left justified above base-line
4 - Centered above base-line
5 - Centered below base-line
180 Degrees 0 - Left justified below base-line
1 - Right justified below base-line
2 - Left justified above base-line
3 - Right justified above base-line
4 - Centered below base-line
5 - Centered above base-line
270 Degrees 0 - Right justified below base-line
1 - Right justified above base-line
2 - Left justified below base-line
3 - Left justified centered on base-line
4 - Right justified centered on base-line
5 - Left justified centered on base-line
90 Degrees 0 - Left justified above base-line
1 - Left justified below base-line
2 - Right justified above base-line
3 - Right justified below base-line
4 - Left justified centered on base-line
5 - Right justified centered on base-line
Table 8
Multiplies each character in the X direction. A 5 high by 3 wide character with a CMX of 2
would produce a 5 high by 6 wide character.
Multiplies each character in the Y direction. A 5 high by 3 wide character with a CMY of 2
would produce a 10 high by 3 wide character.