Epson C I - 4 0 8 0 All in One Printer User Manual

Appendix E EPSON LQ 2550 and ESC/P2 Quick Reference
Table B-5: (Cont.) Horizontal Form Handling and Printing Modes
Escape Sequence Mnemonic Function
ESC [ P1 ; P2 x CPL Select Font and Character Pitch (any
Native Command, parameter P1 or P2 may be skipped, see
following alternative command sequences)
ESC [ P1 x P1 selects the font:
possible format of P1 = 0 or missing : Font is unchanged
Native Command CPL P1 = 1 : DATA
P1 = 2 : ROMAN
P1 = 3 : SAN SERIF
P1 = 4 : COURIER
P1 = 6 : SCRIPT
P1 = 7 : OCR B
P1 = 8 : OCR A
P1 = 9 : ORATOR-C
P1 = 10 : ORATOR
P1 = 11 : DATA LARGE
ESC [ ; P2 x P2 selects the character pitch:
possible format of P2 = 0 or missing : Pitch is unchanged
Native Command CPL P2 = 1 : 10 cpi
P2 = 2 : 12 cpi
P2 = 3 : 15 cpi
P2 = 5 : proportional
P2 = 6 : 14.4 cpi
P2 = 7 : 18 cpi
P2 = 8 : 17.1 cpi
P2 = 9 : 20 cpi