Printer Operation
How to Use this Function
Preprinted paper (e.g. bill of lading) has to be adjusted exactly. Following
errors are possible:
S the printed value is too high - the fanfold paper has to be moved a little
bit higher.
S the printed value is too low - the fanfold paper has to be moved a little
bit lower. No backward movement is possible for a form in park position
or with the print head on the first line. The displacement will become
effective on the next page. A negative displacement is possible if this
function is used during a current print job (not at the beginning of the
After pressing again, paper is fed in case it was in the park position. In
all other cases the paper remains at its actual position. Each further
pressing of increases the line counter by increments of / inch. Each
further pressing of decreases the line counter by decrements of /
inch. Holding of or causes the first 20 increments in single steps
( / inch), thereafter in multiplier of ten which results in a continuous
increment or decrement of the offset counter by / inch. If the reached
value is too high go backwards by pressing .
The offset to the current position is shown on the display. Dependent on
the status of the internal print buffer, the offset will be immediately
executed after having resumed the printing or after having printed the
remaining data in the internal print buffer. The offset value is not stored in
the configuration set up and influences only the actual line counter. The
maximum displacement range is the distance between the actual position
and the page border plus one full page, but no more than 999 steps (nearly
1 inch). A backward movement is possible from the actual position to the
top of that page.
If the setting is procedure is completed change with (93) to the READY
or BUSY mode.